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[Listen Notes] Our Custom Code Playground for Podcast API Demos (Goodbye, RunKit)

Since the launch of Podcast API v2 in early 2019, we’ve relied on RunKit to provide an embedded Node.js code playground on our Podcast API documentation page. This allowed users to test our API directly in their browsers with ease.

However, as of 2024, RunKit has reached the end of its useful life for us. Acquired by Stripe several years ago, it appears that the project is no longer actively maintained, and the embedded playground frequently encountered issues. While this is understandable—maintaining software requires ongoing resources—Stripe, as the owner, has every right to let RunKit sunset.

Faced with the need for a replacement, we searched for a suitable alternative to continue providing seamless code demos for our Podcast API. Unfortunately, no existing solution met our requirements.

So, we decided to build our own!

Using Docker, we developed a custom code playground, offering not only Node.js but support for multiple programming languages. This flexibility gives our users more options when exploring the Podcast API.

You can check out our new playground and start experimenting with the Podcast API today at